Investment Grade
Investment grade bonds offer investors exposure to a region or global universe without taking on a high level of risk.
Why invest in Credit with AXA IM?
Our team approach ensures a strong investment ownership and Investment Grade expertise. All our teams follow our robust, disciplined investment process but also have unique features in order to help build appropriate portfolios for their areas:
- Our European investment desk manage a strategy that has been running for 20 years, making it one our longest running strategies.
- Our US investment grade experts works closely with our US high yield investment team to leverage their expertise for potential “rising stars”.
- Our Asian portfolio managers are supported by credit analysts in Hong Kong and London, further enhanced by input from our JV partner AXA SPDB Investment Managers in China.
Why Invest now?
With market uncertainty and volatility still a feature of most asset classes, for investors looking for a lower risk option, investment grade bonds may be an interesting option. As many markets face the prospect of a recession, investment grade bonds offer investors a relatively low risk-return option due to their high credit rating.
Overall, yields for investment grade debt are high compared to historic levels and issuer fundamentals remain resilient. These factors are part of the reasons why investment grade securities are considered by some to be offering an attractive entry point.

Fixed Income
We cover a broad spectrum of fixed income strategies to help investors build diverse portfolios that can be more resilient to economic and market shifts.
Discover our strategiesRisks
No assurance can be given that our fixed income strategies will be successful. Investors can lose some or all of their capital invested. Our strategies are subject to risks including, but not limited to: liquidity risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, counterparty risk, legal risk, valuation risk, operational risk, emerging markets risk; global investments risk; and risks related to the underlying assets.
¹ AXA IM, as 31 January 2023
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